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Components are a way to encapsulate a piece of UI that can be reused throughout your application. In this example, we'll create a Card component and use it multiple times on a page, each time using slots to fill in content.

@t.component()  # (1)!
class Card(Component):  # (2)!
    props = ["type", "button_text"]  # (3)!

    card = CssClass(  # (4)!
        border="solid 2px #333",

    default_classes = [card]

    type_styles = {
        "success": success,
        "warning": warning,
        "error": error,

    def populate(self):
        with t.h2(classes=[self.type_styles[self.type]]):
            self.insert_slot("card-header")    # (5)!
        with t.p():
            self.insert_slot()    # (6)!
        t.button(self.button_text, on_click=self.on_button_click)

    def on_button_click(self, event):
            detail={"type": self.type})  # (7)!
  1. The @t.component() decorator registers the class as a component for use elsewhere.
  2. All components should subclass the puepy.Component class.
  3. The props attribute is a list of properties that can be passed to the component.
  4. Classes can be defined programmatically in Python. Class names are automatically generated for each instance, so they're scoped like Python instances.
  5. default_classes is a list of CSS classes that will be applied to the component by default.
  6. The insert_slot method is used to insert content into a named slot. In this case, we are inserting content into the card-header slot.
  7. Unnamed, or default slots, can be filled by calling insert_slot without a name.
  8. trigger_event is used to trigger a custom event. Notice the detail dictionary. This pattern matches the JavaScript CustomEvent API.
class ComponentPage(Page):
    def initial(self):
        return {"message": ""}

    def populate(self):
        t.h1("Components are useful")

        with t.card(type="success",  # (1)
                    on_my_custom_event=self.handle_custom_event) as card:  # (2)
            with card.slot("card-header"):
                t("Success!")  # (3)
            with card.slot():
                t("Your operation worked")  # (4)

        with t.card(type="warning", on_my_custom_event=self.handle_custom_event) as card:
            with card.slot("card-header"):
            with card.slot():
                t("Your operation may not work")

        with t.card(type="error", on_my_custom_event=self.handle_custom_event) as card:
            with card.slot("card-header"):
            with card.slot():
                t("Your operation failed")

        if self.state["message"]:

    def handle_custom_event(self, event):  # (5)
        self.state["message"] = f"Custom event from card with type {event.detail.get('type')}"
  1. The card component is used with the type prop set to "success".
  2. The my-custom-event event is bound to the self.handle_custom_event method.
  3. The content for the card-header slot, as defined in the Card component, is populated with "Success!".
  4. The default slot is populated with "Your operation worked". Default slots are not named.
  5. The handle_custom_event method is called when the my-custom-event event is triggered.


Slots are a way to pass content into a component. A component can define one or more slots, and the calling code can fill in the slots with content. In the example above, the Card component defines two slots: card-header and the default slot. The calling code fills in the slots by calling card.slot("card-header") and card.slot().

with t.h2():
with t.p():
    self.insert_slot()  # (1)
  1. If you don't pass a name, it defaults to the main slot
with t.card() as card:
    with card.slot("card-header"):
    with card.slot():
        t("Your operation worked")

Consuming Slots

When consuming components with slots, to populate a slot, you do not call t.slot. You call .slot directly on the component instance provided by the context manager:

with t.card() as card:
    with card.slot("card-header"):  # (1)
  1. Notice card.slot is called, not t.slot or self.slot.
More information on components

For more information on components in PuePy, see the Component Developer Guide.