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We've introduced reactivity, but what happens when you want to monitor specific variables for changes? In PuePy, you can use on_<variable>_change methods in your components to watch for changes in specific variables. In the example below, try guessing the number 4:
class WatcherPage(Page):
    def initial(self):
        self.winner = 4

        return {"number": "", "message": ""}

    def populate(self):
        t.h1("Can you guess a number between 1 and 10?")

        with t.div(style="margin: 1em"):
            t.input(bind="number", placeholder="Enter a guess", autocomplete="off", type="number", maxlength=1)

        if self.state["message"]:

    def on_number_change(self, event):  # (1)
            if int(self.state["number"]) == self.winner:
                self.state["message"] = "You guessed the number!"
                self.state["message"] = "Keep trying..."
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            self.state["message"] = ""
  1. The function name, on_number_change is automatically registered based on the pattern of on_<variable>_change. The event parameter is passed up from the original JavaScript event that triggered the change.

The watcher method itself changes the self.state["message"] variable based on the value of self.state["number"]. If the number is equal to the self.winner constant, the message is updated to "You guessed the number!" Otherwise, the message is set to "Keep trying...". The state is once again changed and the page is re-rendered.