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In this chapter, we introduce event handlers. Take a look at this demo, with plus and minus buttons that increment and decrement a counter. You may remember it from the homepage.

In this example, we bind two events to event handlers. Follow along with the annotations in the code below for a more detailed explanation:
from puepy import Application, Page, t

app = Application()
class CounterPage(Page):
    def initial(self):
        return {"current_value": 0}

    def populate(self):
        with t.div(classes="button-box"):
                     classes=["button", "decrement-button"],
                     on_click=self.on_decrement_click)  # (1)
            t.span(str(self.state["current_value"]), classes="count")
                     classes="button increment-button",
                     on_click=self.on_increment_click)  # (2)

    def on_decrement_click(self, event):
        self.state["current_value"] -= 1  # (3)

    def on_increment_click(self, event):
        self.state["current_value"] += 1  # (4)

  1. The on_click parameter is passed to the button tag, which binds the on_decrement_click method to the button's click event.
  2. The on_click parameter is passed to the button tag, which binds the on_increment_click method to the button's click event.
  3. The on_decrement_click method decrements the current_value key in the page's state.
  4. The on_increment_click method increments the current_value key in the page's state.


The event parameter sent to event handlers is the same as it is in JavaScript. You can call event.preventDefault() or event.stopPropagation() as needed.

As before, because we are modifying the state directly, the page will re-render automatically. This is the power of PuePy's reactivity system.