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The puepy.router module contains code relevant to optional client-side routing in PuePy.

PuePy's router functionality can be optionally installed by calling the install_router method of the Application class.

from puepy import Application, Router

app = Application()
app.install_router(Router, link_mode=Router.LINK_MODE_HASH)

Once installed, the Router instance is available on app.Router and can be used throughout the application to manage client-side routing. Routes are defined by either using the decorator or by calling methods manually on the Router instance.


Name Description

Represents a route in the router.


Represents a router for managing client-side routing in a web application.


Represents a route in the router. A route is defined by a path match pattern, a page class, and a name.


This is usually not instanciated directly. Instead, use the Router.add_route method to create a new route or use the decorator to define a route at the time you define your Pages.

Source code in puepy/
class Route:
    Represents a route in the router. A route is defined by a path match pattern, a page class, and a name.

        This is usually not instanciated directly. Instead, use the `Router.add_route` method to create a new route or
        use the decorator to define a route at the time you define your Pages.

    def __init__(self, path_match: str, page: Page, name: str, base_path: str, router=None):
            path_match (str): The path match pattern used for routing.
            page (Page): An instance of the Page class representing the page.
            name (str): The name of the page.
            base_path (str): The base path used for routing.
            router (Router, optional): An optional parameter representing the router used for routing.
        self.path_match = path_match = page = name
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.router = router

    def match(self, path):
        Evaluates a path against the route's pattern to determine if there is a match.

            path: The path to be matched against the pattern.

            Match found (tuple): A tuple containing a True boolean value and a dictionary. The dictionary contains the
            matched variables extracted from the path.

            Match not found (tuple): If no match is found, returns `(False, None)`.
        if self.base_path and path.startswith(self.base_path):
            path = path[len(self.base_path) :]

        # Simple pattern matching without regex
        parts = path.strip("/").split("/")
        pattern_parts = self.path_match.strip("/").split("/")
        if len(parts) != len(pattern_parts):
            return False, None

        kwargs = {}
        for part, pattern_part in zip(parts, pattern_parts):
            if pattern_part.startswith("<") and pattern_part.endswith(">"):
                group_name = pattern_part[1:-1]
                kwargs[group_name] = part
            elif part != pattern_part:
                return False, None

        return True, kwargs

    def reverse(self, **kwargs):
        Reverse method is used to generate a URL path using the given parameters. It replaces the placeholders in the
        path template with the corresponding values.

            **kwargs: A variable number of keyword arguments representing the values to be inserted into the path

            (str): The generated URL path.

            Let's say we have a path template `/users/<username>/posts/<post_id>`. We can use the reverse method to
            generate the URL path by providing the values for "username" and "post_id" as keyword arguments:
            `route.reverse(username="john", post_id=123)` => `"/users/john/posts/123"`
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        result = self.path_match
        for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
            if f"<{key}>" in result:
                value = kwargs.pop(key)
                result = result.replace(f"<{key}>", str(value))

        if self.router and self.router.link_mode == Router.LINK_MODE_HASH:
            result = "#" + result

        if self.base_path:
            path = f"{self.base_path}{result}"
            path = result

        if kwargs:
            path += "?" + "&".join(f"{url_quote(k)}={url_quote(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
        return path

    def __str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Route: {}>"

__init__(path_match, page, name, base_path, router=None)


Name Type Description Default
path_match str

The path match pattern used for routing.

page Page

An instance of the Page class representing the page.

name str

The name of the page.

base_path str

The base path used for routing.

router Router

An optional parameter representing the router used for routing.

Source code in puepy/
def __init__(self, path_match: str, page: Page, name: str, base_path: str, router=None):
        path_match (str): The path match pattern used for routing.
        page (Page): An instance of the Page class representing the page.
        name (str): The name of the page.
        base_path (str): The base path used for routing.
        router (Router, optional): An optional parameter representing the router used for routing.
    self.path_match = path_match = page = name
    self.base_path = base_path
    self.router = router


Evaluates a path against the route's pattern to determine if there is a match.


Name Type Description Default

The path to be matched against the pattern.



Type Description

Match found (tuple): A tuple containing a True boolean value and a dictionary. The dictionary contains the

matched variables extracted from the path.

Match not found (tuple): If no match is found, returns (False, None).

Source code in puepy/
def match(self, path):
    Evaluates a path against the route's pattern to determine if there is a match.

        path: The path to be matched against the pattern.

        Match found (tuple): A tuple containing a True boolean value and a dictionary. The dictionary contains the
        matched variables extracted from the path.

        Match not found (tuple): If no match is found, returns `(False, None)`.
    if self.base_path and path.startswith(self.base_path):
        path = path[len(self.base_path) :]

    # Simple pattern matching without regex
    parts = path.strip("/").split("/")
    pattern_parts = self.path_match.strip("/").split("/")
    if len(parts) != len(pattern_parts):
        return False, None

    kwargs = {}
    for part, pattern_part in zip(parts, pattern_parts):
        if pattern_part.startswith("<") and pattern_part.endswith(">"):
            group_name = pattern_part[1:-1]
            kwargs[group_name] = part
        elif part != pattern_part:
            return False, None

    return True, kwargs


Reverse method is used to generate a URL path using the given parameters. It replaces the placeholders in the path template with the corresponding values.


Name Type Description Default

A variable number of keyword arguments representing the values to be inserted into the path



Type Description

The generated URL path.


Let's say we have a path template /users/<username>/posts/<post_id>. We can use the reverse method to generate the URL path by providing the values for "username" and "post_id" as keyword arguments: route.reverse(username="john", post_id=123) => "/users/john/posts/123"

Source code in puepy/
def reverse(self, **kwargs):
    Reverse method is used to generate a URL path using the given parameters. It replaces the placeholders in the
    path template with the corresponding values.

        **kwargs: A variable number of keyword arguments representing the values to be inserted into the path

        (str): The generated URL path.

        Let's say we have a path template `/users/<username>/posts/<post_id>`. We can use the reverse method to
        generate the URL path by providing the values for "username" and "post_id" as keyword arguments:
        `route.reverse(username="john", post_id=123)` => `"/users/john/posts/123"`
    kwargs = kwargs.copy()
    result = self.path_match
    for key in list(kwargs.keys()):
        if f"<{key}>" in result:
            value = kwargs.pop(key)
            result = result.replace(f"<{key}>", str(value))

    if self.router and self.router.link_mode == Router.LINK_MODE_HASH:
        result = "#" + result

    if self.base_path:
        path = f"{self.base_path}{result}"
        path = result

    if kwargs:
        path += "?" + "&".join(f"{url_quote(k)}={url_quote(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items())
    return path


Class representing a router for managing client-side routing in a web application.


Name Type Description Default
application object

The web application object. Defaults to None.

base_path str

The base path URL. Defaults to None.

link_mode str

The link mode for navigating. Defaults to "hash".



Name Type Description

Direct link mode.


HTML5 link mode.


Hash link mode.

routes list

List of Route instances.

routes_by_name dict

Dictionary mapping route names to Route instances.

routes_by_page dict

Dictionary mapping page classes to Route instances.

application object

The web application object.

base_path str

The base path URL.

link_mode str

The link mode for navigating.

Source code in puepy/
class Router:
    """Class representing a router for managing client-side routing in a web application.

        application (object, optional): The web application object. Defaults to None.
        base_path (str, optional): The base path URL. Defaults to None.
        link_mode (str, optional): The link mode for navigating. Defaults to "hash".

        LINK_MODE_DIRECT (str): Direct link mode.
        LINK_MODE_HTML5 (str): HTML5 link mode.
        LINK_MODE_HASH (str): Hash link mode.
        routes (list): List of Route instances.
        routes_by_name (dict): Dictionary mapping route names to Route instances.
        routes_by_page (dict): Dictionary mapping page classes to Route instances.
        application (object): The web application object.
        base_path (str): The base path URL.
        link_mode (str): The link mode for navigating.

    LINK_MODE_DIRECT = "direct"
    LINK_MODE_HTML5 = "html5"
    LINK_MODE_HASH = "hash"

    def __init__(self, application=None, base_path=None, link_mode=LINK_MODE_HASH):
        Initializes an instance of the class.

            application (Application): The application used for routing.
            base_path (str): The base path for the routes.
            link_mode (str): The mode for generating links.
        self.routes = []
        self.routes_by_name = {}
        self.routes_by_page = {}
        self.application = application
        self.base_path = base_path
        self.link_mode = link_mode

    def add_route_instance(self, route: Route):
        Add a route instance to the current router.

            route (Route): The route instance to be added.

            ValueError: If the route instance or route name already exists in the router.
        if route in self.routes:
            raise ValueError(f"Route already added: {route}")
        if in self.routes_by_name:
            raise ValueError(f"Route name already exists for another route: {}")
        self.routes_by_name[] = route
        self.routes_by_page[] = route
        route.router = self

    def add_route(self, path_match, page_class, name=None):
        Adds a route to the router. This method creates a new Route instance.

            path_match (str): The URL path pattern to match for the route.
            page_class (Page class): The class or function to be associated with the route.
            name (str, optional): The name of the route. If not provided, the name will be derived from the page class name.
        # Convert path to a simple pattern without regex
        if not name:
            name = mixed_to_underscores(page_class.__name__)
        self.add_route_instance(Route(path_match=path_match, page=page_class, name=name, base_path=self.base_path))

    def reverse(self, destination, **kwargs):
        Reverses a

            destination: The destination to reverse. It can be the name of a route, the mapped page of a route, or the default page of the application.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the reverse method of the destination route.

            (str): The reversed URL for the given destination.

            KeyError: If the destination is not found in the routes.
        route: Route
        if isinstance(destination, Route):
            return destination.reverse(**kwargs)
        elif destination in self.routes_by_name:
            route = self.routes_by_name[destination]
        elif destination in self.routes_by_page:
            route = self.routes_by_page[destination]
        elif self.application and destination is self.application.default_page:
            if self.link_mode == Router.LINK_MODE_HASH:
                path = "#/"
                path = "/"
            return self.base_path or "" + path
            raise KeyError(f"{destination} not found in routes")
        return route.reverse(**kwargs)

    def match(self, path):
            path (str): The path to be matched.

            (tuple): A tuple containing the matching route and the matched route arguments (if any). If no route is
                found, returns (None, None).
        path = path.split("#")[0]
        if "?" not in path:
            path += "?"
        path, query_string = path.split("?", 1)
        arguments = parse_query_string(query_string)

        for route in self.routes:
            matches, path_arguments = route.match(path)
            if path_arguments:
            if matches:
                return route, arguments
        return None, None

    def navigate_to_path(self, path, **kwargs):
        Navigates to the specified path.

            path (str or Page): The path to navigate to. If path is a subclass of Page, it will be reversed using the reverse method
            provided by the self object. If path is a string and **kwargs is not empty, it will append the query string
            to the path.

            **kwargs: Additional key-value pairs to be included in the query string. Each key-value pair will be

            Exception: If the link mode is invalid.
        if isinstance(path, type) and issubclass(path, Page):
            path = self.reverse(path, **kwargs)
        elif kwargs:
            path += "?" + "&".join(f"{url_quote(k)}={url_quote(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items())

        if self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_DIRECT:
            window.location = path
        elif self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_HTML5:
            history.pushState(jsobj(), "", path)
            self.application.mount(self.application._selector_or_element, path)
        elif self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_HASH:
            path = path[1:] if path.startswith("#") else path
            if not is_server_side:
                history.pushState(jsobj(), "", "#" + path)
            self.application.mount(self.application._selector_or_element, path)
            raise Exception(f"Invalid link mode: {self.link_mode}")

__init__(application=None, base_path=None, link_mode=LINK_MODE_HASH)

Initializes an instance of the class.


Name Type Description Default
application Application

The application used for routing.

base_path str

The base path for the routes.

link_mode str

The mode for generating links.

Source code in puepy/
def __init__(self, application=None, base_path=None, link_mode=LINK_MODE_HASH):
    Initializes an instance of the class.

        application (Application): The application used for routing.
        base_path (str): The base path for the routes.
        link_mode (str): The mode for generating links.
    self.routes = []
    self.routes_by_name = {}
    self.routes_by_page = {}
    self.application = application
    self.base_path = base_path
    self.link_mode = link_mode

add_route(path_match, page_class, name=None)

Adds a route to the router. This method creates a new Route instance.


Name Type Description Default
path_match str

The URL path pattern to match for the route.

page_class Page class

The class or function to be associated with the route.

name str

The name of the route. If not provided, the name will be derived from the page class name.

Source code in puepy/
def add_route(self, path_match, page_class, name=None):
    Adds a route to the router. This method creates a new Route instance.

        path_match (str): The URL path pattern to match for the route.
        page_class (Page class): The class or function to be associated with the route.
        name (str, optional): The name of the route. If not provided, the name will be derived from the page class name.
    # Convert path to a simple pattern without regex
    if not name:
        name = mixed_to_underscores(page_class.__name__)
    self.add_route_instance(Route(path_match=path_match, page=page_class, name=name, base_path=self.base_path))


Add a route instance to the current router.


Name Type Description Default
route Route

The route instance to be added.



Type Description

If the route instance or route name already exists in the router.

Source code in puepy/
def add_route_instance(self, route: Route):
    Add a route instance to the current router.

        route (Route): The route instance to be added.

        ValueError: If the route instance or route name already exists in the router.
    if route in self.routes:
        raise ValueError(f"Route already added: {route}")
    if in self.routes_by_name:
        raise ValueError(f"Route name already exists for another route: {}")
    self.routes_by_name[] = route
    self.routes_by_page[] = route
    route.router = self



Name Type Description Default
path str

The path to be matched.



Type Description

A tuple containing the matching route and the matched route arguments (if any). If no route is found, returns (None, None).

Source code in puepy/
def match(self, path):
        path (str): The path to be matched.

        (tuple): A tuple containing the matching route and the matched route arguments (if any). If no route is
            found, returns (None, None).
    path = path.split("#")[0]
    if "?" not in path:
        path += "?"
    path, query_string = path.split("?", 1)
    arguments = parse_query_string(query_string)

    for route in self.routes:
        matches, path_arguments = route.match(path)
        if path_arguments:
        if matches:
            return route, arguments
    return None, None

navigate_to_path(path, **kwargs)

Navigates to the specified path.


Name Type Description Default
path str or Page

The path to navigate to. If path is a subclass of Page, it will be reversed using the reverse method


Additional key-value pairs to be included in the query string. Each key-value pair will be



Type Description

If the link mode is invalid.

Source code in puepy/
def navigate_to_path(self, path, **kwargs):
    Navigates to the specified path.

        path (str or Page): The path to navigate to. If path is a subclass of Page, it will be reversed using the reverse method
        provided by the self object. If path is a string and **kwargs is not empty, it will append the query string
        to the path.

        **kwargs: Additional key-value pairs to be included in the query string. Each key-value pair will be

        Exception: If the link mode is invalid.
    if isinstance(path, type) and issubclass(path, Page):
        path = self.reverse(path, **kwargs)
    elif kwargs:
        path += "?" + "&".join(f"{url_quote(k)}={url_quote(v)}" for k, v in kwargs.items())

    if self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_DIRECT:
        window.location = path
    elif self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_HTML5:
        history.pushState(jsobj(), "", path)
        self.application.mount(self.application._selector_or_element, path)
    elif self.link_mode == self.LINK_MODE_HASH:
        path = path[1:] if path.startswith("#") else path
        if not is_server_side:
            history.pushState(jsobj(), "", "#" + path)
        self.application.mount(self.application._selector_or_element, path)
        raise Exception(f"Invalid link mode: {self.link_mode}")

reverse(destination, **kwargs)

Reverses a


Name Type Description Default

The destination to reverse. It can be the name of a route, the mapped page of a route, or the default page of the application.


Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the reverse method of the destination route.



Type Description

The reversed URL for the given destination.


Type Description

If the destination is not found in the routes.

Source code in puepy/
def reverse(self, destination, **kwargs):
    Reverses a

        destination: The destination to reverse. It can be the name of a route, the mapped page of a route, or the default page of the application.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the reverse method of the destination route.

        (str): The reversed URL for the given destination.

        KeyError: If the destination is not found in the routes.
    route: Route
    if isinstance(destination, Route):
        return destination.reverse(**kwargs)
    elif destination in self.routes_by_name:
        route = self.routes_by_name[destination]
    elif destination in self.routes_by_page:
        route = self.routes_by_page[destination]
    elif self.application and destination is self.application.default_page:
        if self.link_mode == Router.LINK_MODE_HASH:
            path = "#/"
            path = "/"
        return self.base_path or "" + path
        raise KeyError(f"{destination} not found in routes")
    return route.reverse(**kwargs)