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Components should not be created directly

In your populate() method, call t.tag_name() to create a component. There's no reason an application develop should directly instanciate a component instance and doing so is not supported.

Bases: Tag, Stateful

Components are a way of defining reusable and composable elements in PuePy. They are a subclass of Tag, but provide additional features such as state management and props. By defining your own components and registering them, you can create a library of reusable elements for your application.


Name Type Description
enclosing_tag str

The tag name that will enclose the component. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

component_name str

The name of the component. If left blank, class name is used. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

redraw_on_state_changes bool

Whether the component should redraw when its state changes. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

redraw_on_app_state_changes bool

Whether the component should redraw when the application state changes. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

props list

A list of props for the component. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

Source code in puepy/
class Component(Tag, Stateful):
    Components are a way of defining reusable and composable elements in PuePy. They are a subclass of Tag, but provide
    additional features such as state management and props. By defining your own components and registering them, you
    can create a library of reusable elements for your application.

        enclosing_tag (str): The tag name that will enclose the component. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.
        component_name (str): The name of the component. If left blank, class name is used. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.
        redraw_on_state_changes (bool): Whether the component should redraw when its state changes. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.
        redraw_on_app_state_changes (bool): Whether the component should redraw when the application state changes. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.
        props (list): A list of props for the component. To be defined as a class attribute on subclasses.

    enclosing_tag = "div"
    component_name = None
    redraw_on_state_changes = True
    redraw_on_app_state_changes = True

    props = []

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, tag_name=self.enclosing_tag, **kwargs)
        self.state = ReactiveDict(self.initial())
        self.add_context("state", self.state)

        self.slots = {}

    def _handle_attrs(self, kwargs):


    def _handle_props(self, kwargs):
        if not hasattr(self, "props_expanded"):

        self.props_values = {}
        for name, prop in self.props_expanded.items():
            value = kwargs.pop(, prop.default_value)
            setattr(self, name, value)
            self.props_values[name] = value

    def _expanded_props(cls):
        # This would be ideal for metaprogramming, but we do it this way to be compatible with Micropython. :/
        props_expanded = {}
        for prop in cls.props:
            if isinstance(prop, Prop):
                props_expanded[] = prop
            elif isinstance(prop, dict):
                props_expanded[prop["name"]] = Prop(**prop)
            elif isinstance(prop, str):
                props_expanded[prop] = Prop(name=prop)
                raise PropsError(f"Unknown prop type {type(prop)}")
        cls.props_expanded = props_expanded

    def initial(self):
        To be overridden in subclasses, the `initial()` method defines the initial state of the component.

            (dict): Initial component state
        return {}

    def _on_state_change(self, context, key, value):
        super()._on_state_change(context, key, value)

        if context == "state":
            redraw_rule = self.redraw_on_state_changes
        elif context == "app":
            redraw_rule = self.redraw_on_app_state_changes

        if redraw_rule is True:
        elif redraw_rule is False:
        elif isinstance(redraw_rule, (list, set)):
            if key in redraw_rule:
            raise Exception(f"Unknown value for redraw rule: {redraw_rule} (context: {context})")

    def insert_slot(self, name="default", **kwargs):
        In defining your own component, when you want to create a slot in your `populate` method, you can use this method.

            name (str): The name of the slot. If not passed, the default slot is inserted.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to Slot initialization.

            Slot: The inserted slot object.
        if name in self.slots:
            self.slots[name].parent = Tag.stack[-1]  # The children will be cleared during redraw, so re-establish
            self.slots[name] = Slot(ref=f"slot={name}", slot_name=name,, parent=Tag.stack[-1], **kwargs)
        slot = self.slots[name]
        if self.origin:
            slot.origin = self.origin
            if slot.ref:
                self.origin.refs[slot.ref] = slot
        return slot

    def slot(self, name="default"):
        To be used in the `populate` method of code making use of this component, this method returns the slot object
        with the given name. It should be used inside of a context manager.

            name (str): The name of the slot to clear and return.

            Slot: The cleared slot object.
        # We put this here, so it clears the children only when the slot-filler is doing its filling.
        # Otherwise, the previous children are kept. Lucky them.
        self.slots[name].children = []
        return self.slots[name]

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
        return False

    def __str__(self):
        return f"{self.component_name or self.__class__.__name__} ({self.ref} {id(self)})"

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<{self}>"


To be overridden in subclasses, the initial() method defines the initial state of the component.


Type Description

Initial component state

Source code in puepy/
def initial(self):
    To be overridden in subclasses, the `initial()` method defines the initial state of the component.

        (dict): Initial component state
    return {}

insert_slot(name='default', **kwargs)

In defining your own component, when you want to create a slot in your populate method, you can use this method.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the slot. If not passed, the default slot is inserted.


Additional keyword arguments to be passed to Slot initialization.



Name Type Description

The inserted slot object.

Source code in puepy/
def insert_slot(self, name="default", **kwargs):
    In defining your own component, when you want to create a slot in your `populate` method, you can use this method.

        name (str): The name of the slot. If not passed, the default slot is inserted.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to Slot initialization.

        Slot: The inserted slot object.
    if name in self.slots:
        self.slots[name].parent = Tag.stack[-1]  # The children will be cleared during redraw, so re-establish
        self.slots[name] = Slot(ref=f"slot={name}", slot_name=name,, parent=Tag.stack[-1], **kwargs)
    slot = self.slots[name]
    if self.origin:
        slot.origin = self.origin
        if slot.ref:
            self.origin.refs[slot.ref] = slot
    return slot


To be used in the populate method of code making use of this component, this method returns the slot object with the given name. It should be used inside of a context manager.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The name of the slot to clear and return.



Name Type Description

The cleared slot object.

Source code in puepy/
def slot(self, name="default"):
    To be used in the `populate` method of code making use of this component, this method returns the slot object
    with the given name. It should be used inside of a context manager.

        name (str): The name of the slot to clear and return.

        Slot: The cleared slot object.
    # We put this here, so it clears the children only when the slot-filler is doing its filling.
    # Otherwise, the previous children are kept. Lucky them.
    self.slots[name].children = []
    return self.slots[name]