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CSS Classes

Although you are in charge of your own CSS, PuePy provides some convenience mechanisms for defining CSS classes. Because class is a reserved word in Python, when passing classes to tags, you should use either class_name or classes. Each can be defined as a string, list, or dictionary:
class HelloWorldPage(Page):
    def populate(self):
        t.button("Primary Large Button", class_name="primary large")
        t.button("Primary Small Button", classes=["primary", "small"])
        t.button("Primary Medium Button", classes={
            "primary": True, 
            "medium": True, 
            "small": False, 
            "large": False})

Notice that when passing a dictionary, the value of the dictionary indicates whether the class will be included.

Components and classes

Components can define default classes. For example in the Components section of the tutorial, we define a Card component:

class Card(Component):

    default_classes = ["card"]


The default_classes attribute tells PuePy to render the component with card as a default class. Code using the Card component can add to or even remove the default classes defined by the component.

To remove a class, pass it with a "/" prefix:

class MyPage(Page):
    def populate(self):
        # This will render as a div with both "card" and "card-blue" 
        # classes.

        # This will override the default and remove the "card" class